From Barcelona, based in Berlin. I am a certified personal trainer specialized in mobility, functional training, strength, weight loss, stretching, and consulting. With years of experience and a passion for helping people achieve their fitness goals. I am dedicated to creating personalized training programs that are tailored to each client's individual needs.
Get in touch today to learn more.
Ute Lehmann
"Monica ist eine fachlich hochqualifizierte Personaltrainerin. Sie hat es geschafft, mich auch auf der persönlichen Ebene immer wieder gezielt anzusprechen, passende individuell auf meine Situation abgestimmte Übungen zu kreieren und mich so zu motivieren, meine Trainingsziele zu erreichen. Dabei gelingt es ihr durch ihre Persönlichkeit und Strahlkraft eine super positive Situation aufzubauen. So bin ich zu Trainingsergebnissen gekommen, die ich alleine in der kurzen Zeit nicht erreicht hätte.
Mit Monica zu trainieren ist pure Freude!"
J. Jung
"Monica is an incredibly professional personal trainer. She consistently addresses my individual needs, designing exercises specifically for my situation, which inspires me to achieve my fitness goals. Her warm personality and enthusiasm create a highly positive atmosphere. I've attained training results in a short period that would have been impossible on my own. Training with Monica is an absolute pleasure!"
Dr. Krieger
“Monica brings good vibes to a competent training & motivates me push my limits.
Her personality and charisma build a wonderfully positive environment. Thanks to her, I've achieved results in a short time that I wouldn't have managed alone. Training with Monica is pure joy!"
2022 – present
Royal Private Coach Berlin
Personal trainer
2022 – present
Sona Positive Health Berlin
Fitness trainer and course trainer
2022 –present
Aspria Berlin
Personal trainer and fitness trainer
2021 - 2022
David Lloyd Meridian Berlin
Personal trainer, fitness trainer, and course trainer
2020 - 2021
Sportivation Dresden
Pilates trainer online
2019 –2021
Dresden Strehlen rehabilitation center
Sports therapist and course leader
2017 - 2019
Aktion Gesundheit Meißen
Sports therapist
Princess Fitness and Wellness Studio for women in Ingolstadt
Sports science internship
Core Competences
Creation and revision of individual training plans
Personal Training
Implementation and management of rehabilitation, prevention, and fitness courses
Proactive supervision and correction of exercises
Leading online fitness classes
Creation of new fitness course concepts
PR and management for fitness classes
Social Skills
• Sociability
• Openness
• Team spirit
• Reliability
• Flexibility
• Creativity
• Spanish – mother tongue
• Catalan - native language
• Fluent German
• English fluently
• French – A2
Additional Skills
• An open ear for customer concerns and individual advice
• Knowledge of the concepts of different types of training and their influence on the body and condition
• Good knowledge of Microsoft Office
• Driving license: Class B
Professional Training
Blaze- Cardio, Strength, Combat by David Lloyd Meridian /2022
Pilates Trainer Intermediate Mat-Level C ZPP /2019-2020
Progressive ballet technique /2019
DOSB trainer B Sport in rehabilitation license: internal medicine /2018
Hypopressive Physical Therapy (at Low-Pressure Fitness level) /2016
TRX Trainer Suspension Training Course /2016
​Sports Science (B.A.) University of Vic, Spain